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Avoiding Software Outsourcing Problems

Are you afraid of software outsourcing because of the horror stories that you have heard? Well, we are here to breakdown all the issues that you might encounter with offshore software outsourcing. This guide will assist you to not only identify the mistakes that you might make during the outsourcing problems but provide you with […]

Core Benefits of Business Intelligence Outsourcing

The competitive market in the time of crisis has created a need for business intelligence and big data solutions. This includes gathering and interpreting data and transforming it into useful information. Data analytics, big data and business intelligence are the talk of the technological world as they have shown numerous benefits for businesses. Business Intelligence […]

Impact of Effective Communication on Software Outsourcing

You are starting a new project with a team that you have outsourced from offshores. All the teams have been chosen- from the developers to the designers and the quality assurance. Moreover, you have already locked all the requirements from the client and the development has already started. Suddenly you receive the dreadful message from […]

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